Ocean City Wine Fest- SIP & SHOP

Wine Fest 2022 at the Ocean City, Maryland Inlet wrapped up this past weekend and what a fun event it
was. The event kicked off early Friday morning and attendance was great all day. The weather was
absolutely gorgeous and showed only a few clouds in the sky all day. The wind was a little heavy on
Friday to start the festival but began to calm down as day one of the event drew to a close.
Working local events is always a treat for Nicole and me because we get to interact with customers who
are usually familiar with Shore Smoke Seasonings or when they find out we are a local company you can
see their interest start to peak. Ocean City is a bit different because it offers a unique melting pot of
customers from all over due to the vacation image OC targets. Locals tend to come out for the events as
well as others who are on vacation looking for a unique experience, they may not have access to
towards home. This festival was no different and we loved interacting with everyone.
Friday morning did happen to bring a gentleman over to the table that had recently decided to get into
grilling because his son and daughter in law purchased a smoker for his 60 th birthday. They sure must
love him because it was a top-of-the-line Traeger. He began telling me about his fear of cooking and how
he generally just knows how to make easy pre heated meals as well as eating out was what consisted of
his diet, but the new smoker had his interest peaked. He gave me a few foods that he was thinking
about cooking for the start of week 1 of the NFL season ranging from Burgers all the way to brisket.
After a few tutorials on our seasonings and what pairs best he decided he wanted to try a rack of ribs
and some smoked BBQ chicken dip.
Its conversations like these that are an easy answer for me when people ask me why I want to do events
every weekend and give up any free time I have. The answer is very simple…….I LOVE TALKING ABOUT
COOKING! Events like the Wine Fest give me the best of both worlds in allowing me to talk with people
who are familiar with us and ask about other events we may be vending at so they can attend or talking
with someone who has never heard of us and explaining how we got started and what our seasonings
are all about.
Wine Fest provided such a great atmosphere for everyone who was involved and honestly, we couldn’t
have asked for better weather. From the food, bands, wine, and friendly faces this is an event we look
forward to vending at again for many years to come. We look forward to seeing everyone next year.
This Saturday coming up we will be in Carousel Park, Wilmington, DE. It’s always a great event, looking forward to seeing you all there.